As an old label, maintaining 20 years of releases is a hell of a job. When we were planning renewing back in 2020, one of the key elements that popped out was easy content creation and automated data processes. Thanks to our fans and record hoarders, our Discogs catalogue is pure worth of gold what comes to data source of our releases. To do stuff simple, we wanted to utilize this data source to our website purposes and thanks to Discog’s tech team, they have fully accessible REST API to mine the resources there. For those who aren’t familiar with tech talk, API (Application Programming Interface) is a way programs (eg. web pages) ”discuss”, share and request information from each other.
In a nutshell, technology is simple. For example in artist page, we ask Discogs to list all certain artist releases. Discogs returns a list of releases it found in it’s databases and then we add some sugar to this data, for example Soundcloud or Spotify links to maximize your viewing and listening experience.
We will continue the job by utilizing more data sources in future revisions by bringing even more fresh thinking to our way to display stuff as well as valuable information for those, who are interested to share the same passion as we do. We love every FINRG release now and in future.